Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

holiday humor of the day

last night's TBBT episode

If you missed last night's episode of The Big Bang Theory, you got to. It was hysterical.
(copy and paste link)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

gift idea for Trekkie

The Doohan family (Scotty from ST:TOS) is selling pieces from the Star Trek shuttle crafts.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fringemunk Christmas

This year's Fringemunk Christmas album is up and ready to download, go check it out.!.html

humor of the day

For those of you who couldn't care any less for Twilight than I do.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Feliz Navidad – By The IBand!

check out this link

humor of the day

Did you hear?

They're thinking of remaking "Flight of the Navigator"! I loved that movie.

humor of the day

another holiday gift idea for the geek in your life

Friday, November 30, 2012

Avatar 2 And 3?

There is some talk of some new Avatar movies, I'm so excited. Check out this link:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cool holiday gift for Star Trek fans

The Doohan Family ("Beam Me Up Scotty") is selling dilithium crystal from Star Trek the Original Series (includes certificate of authenticity). I got two already. Hurry if you want some.

(copy & paste link)


New Fringe fans

Fringe was reborn on the Science Channel. For those of you who are new to the show, I thought this might help you become more familiar with it.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

MythBusters fans

For those of you who love MythBusters, copy and paste this link:

Star Trek bloopers

Copy and paste these links for some Star Trek humor

Fringe bloopers

Today be thankful for laughter, here are some Fringe bloopers.

(copy and paste link)

Captain Kirk warns about the dangers of deep fried turkey

(copy and paste link)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blue Ear

Check out this awesome story of how Marvel comics helped this hearing impaired boy.

(copy and paste link)

Monday, November 19, 2012




I am so excited to announce the Star Trek: Renegades are working on another movie starting our favorite stars. Check it out.
(copy and paste link)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why I love Star Trek

I've been a Trekkie my whole life. I grew up in an all white town where everyone was pretty much the same, I felt like I was going to school with the kids from the Village of the Damned. Since I wasn't adopted until half way through the third grade, the other children basically viewed me as the "Smelly Cat" Phoebe sung about on Friends.

I craved diversity. When I moved to new towns and cities that have more of a mixed culture, I noticed a lot of prejudicism. Watching Star Trek, I saw how not only different members of the human race living and working together but different alien races as well.

Knowing that there are others that believe in a future where we will all get along, then I have hope in humanity.

Thanksgiving humor

Saturday, November 17, 2012

another blog

If any of you are into living a healthier life, I have another blog.
(copy and paste link)

TBBT fans

I have found the perfect gift for fans of The Big Bang Theory. (copy and paste link)

last night's Fringe episode

Are we in another alternate world? Peter is turning into an Observer. Walter is turning into Walternate. I did think it was nice that Bell was able to lend a hand every though he did. Walter was quite cruel to Nina, but he did apologize. It's getting extremely intense for the group. I wonder what J J Abram's mind will come up with next.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Big Bang Theory

For all of you who love The Big Bang Theory, here's a video showing that they're just as much fun behind the cameras.
(copy and paste link)

Fringe Twitter RP

If you are a fan of Fringe and other shows, then follow my Twitter RP character @Ella_Fringe and everyone @RolePlayGroup does so you can follow all our stories. On Friday nights, we watch Fringe together on Twitter. Join us. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


My Facebook/Twitter friend David Wu (musician/producer not politician) and the Fringemunks have been making music and videos about Fringe. I find them to be fun was to summarize an episode. They have many videos on Youtube including this one: (copy & paste address)

You can also listen to more of David's music at

Go check it out. :)

new blog

For a while, I've been wanting to do another blog for Chloe's (my 10yo daughter) and my love for science fiction.

One of our favorite shows, Fringe, will be coming to a close soon on Fox. To those of you who haven't seen it yet, I have good news. On November 20, 2012, Fringe will be reborn on the Science Channel. (copy and paste address)

As for the timeless debate on Star Wars and Star Trek, we like Star Wars but love Star Trek.

In future postings of this blog, I'll be stating our views on science fiction shows and movies and all things related. I hope you enjoy it.

Live Long and Prosper